Tuesday, March 10

tagged by ain dan affan...

go to your photo folders in your computer.
go to the 6th folder of photos.
go to the 6th picure in that folder...

put the picture on your blog and description of it.
invite six friends to join the challenge.
link them in your blog and let them know they have been challenged.

ok mari mula!

start> my computer > (D:) > gamba2 > emy > emy012...

fakta tentang gambar emy012:

sekitar tahun 2007...selepas AGM SMSA
di beri oleh presiden SMSA kpd semua mantan AJK

ok kawan2..
jom pegi kelas~

1 comment:

Hacked by w3d0z said...

gmbr bunga aku dh hilg..hilg dek kene curi oleh pencuri yg jahat...hehehe..=p