Wednesday, March 17

it's a great feeling...

it seems that all feels right in the world..
like when you see a little finch build it's nest
or like when you wake up to fresh buds in your flower garden
or like when you see bunnies hopping around your backyard..

  my first ever handmade quilt was done in 2 days..what a history (^__-)


Zu Nurain Ahmad said...

comel sgt kain happy tree friends.
nanti baby berciri active mcm mereka! =p

Hacked by w3d0z said...

cantiknyeee emy!

hehehe nak gak..

tlg ajar aku plis =p

jahitlah byk2 kt sana..nnt kt msia..x done nk wat..=)

azian~ said...

baby bercirikan active macam mereka??

mereka tu sape??

baby sape?? heheheh

IreneYaya said...

Congrats on your lovely artpiece Emy. It's really nice! =)

abg cu said...

cute, selesa utk baby rizq wat tdo ni :)

Emy Ahmad said...

thanx sume orang yang bagi komen kat atas ni, kalau ada masa saya akan pastikan the first 5 person yang kat atas ni dapat satu quilt berciri comel..inshaAllah kalau sempat siapkan..(>__<)

Azura Yasin said...

tambah lg sorang pls! me, that is! hahah ;D *wink sikit*

Emy Ahmad said...

ala zura..wak lambat sikit je..

Hacked by w3d0z said...

yeay tq emy!=) ni yg lg syg ko ni..ahaks!

aliaa85 said...

alaa saya baru berkesempatan membaca post ini. saya mahu satu jugakkk. ahahah. emy, terer nye kau weh! kalu org lain aku akan kata "dah boleh kawen dah". tapi kau dah kawen. so aku tak tau nak kata apa. hahahahha. cantekkkkkkkkkkk!